Member Rules:
- The objects for which the Society is founded are:
- To encourage the breeding of Gascon cattle
- To establish and publish a herdbook for them
- To obtain classes and to augment prizes at shows and to recommend judges thereat
- To investigate cases of doubtful and suspected pedigrees
- To settle disputes and questions relating to, or connected with Gascon cattle
- To promote sales by auction or by private treaty of registered Gascon cattle
- To take any action, legally, incidental or conducive to attainment of any or all of the above objectives
- Any person favourable to the objectives of the Society and willing to conform to its rules shall be eligible for membership. However, no person who has been expelled from any other breed society shall be elected a member of the Gascon Society (UK).
- Any member may withdraw from the Society on giving notice to the Secretary in writing, such retiring member to have no claim whatsoever against the Society and to be liable for his subscription for the current year in which notice is given.
- The annual subscription for full members will be reviewed annually, payable on joining and subsequently on the 1st of August in each year. No member whose subscriptions is in arrears shall be entitled to any privileges of membership.
- Any member violating the Rules of the Society shall be liable to be expelled by a vote of the majority of the Committee and any member who shall, in the opinion of the /committee, have been guilty or suspected of fraudulent practices in connection with livestock or livestock shows, or have acted in any way derogatory to the interests of the Society or the breed, or for any other reason, shall be deemed by the Committee to be an undesirable member, shall be expelled.
- Should a vacancy occur on the Committee or amongst the Officers, the Committee shall fill such vacancy from amongst the members of the Society. The member so elected shall be deemed to represent the member whose place he takes and shall retire when that member’s term of office would have expired.
- The Committee may appoint a Sub-Committee for any special purpose and may delegate to them such of the powers of the Committee as they think necessary. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Society shall be ex-officio members of all Sub-committees.
- A General Meeting of the Society shall be held at such time and place as the Committee shall appoint and fourteen days notice shall be given to every member of the Society. At such meetings, a report and balance sheet for the previous year shall be submitted and the Officers and Committee for the current year elected.
- The Committee may at any time and upon a requisition signed by the President/Chairman (specifying the business for which such meetings are required) summon an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Society. At such an Extraordinary General Meeting, no business may be transacted other than that for which the meeting was specially summoned, or without the Chairman’s knowledge.
- The Committee shall have power to deal with any matter which may arise and which is not provided for in these Rules. The Committee shall be made aware of any matter relating to, or concerning, the Society by any individual member.